

20th September 2020

Our technical skills and our services to support the digital revolution of the construction sector operated by Building Information Modeling.

At the end of our study on BIM we want to talk to you about our approach to the methodology and inform you about the connected services we provide through

For some years now, a real digital transition has begun for the construction sector, a transformation that we could define as necessary to remedy the criticalities that are encountered in the construction sector. A big problem that affects the construction sector concerns the ability to effectively coordinate all the figures involved in the process, especially with the increasing complexity of the projects. Added to this is the difficulty in controlling planning and construction times and costs. After all, information flows rarely travel in real time and are often disorganized. It follows that variations during construction are frequent and with inadequate designs and inadequate construction quality, it is possible to easily reach situations of conflict and loss of information that will affect the work in the management and use by the end customer.

To work against this trend, it is necessary to adopt systems that make it possible to manage all the information involved efficiently and effectively, as has been the case for some time in other production sectors, such as the industrial sector. In construction, changes are occurring more slowly, but the importance of digitalization of processes is beginning to be understood. A promoter of this change is certainly the Building Infomation Modeling (BIM), which is generating a real revolution in the construction sector.

BIM consulting: the BIM methodology

BIM is not a software or a technology, but it is an innovative approach that is based on the sharing of information, or on the collaboration of the actors involved in the process. BIM promotes a new, collaborative working method and to do this it uses technological platforms, in line with the needs of operators, so as to redesign operational processes making the design, construction and management of buildings and infrastructures more efficient. A work produced with the use of BIM becomes part of an integrated process, due to the very nature of the methodology, which involves building it virtually even before it is built and also keeping it for its management, maintenance and disposal.

The need to implement a new approach to the project becomes even more pressing in consideration of the recent events that are changing the way we work, requiring more guarantees in terms of safety, productivity, quality and sustainability of the works. Striving to restore an adequate level of organization in favor of the information and production flow is the way to go. Being able to ensure interoperability between the stakeholders of the building process is essential in order to achieve optimal levels of control over the progress of the project.

In the era of the fourth industrial revolution this is not only possible but represents an essential requirement. The application of BIM-based systems allows you to manage a multitude of data from different sources and of an interdisciplinary nature and can promote the interpenetration between the physical and digital world, favoring the continuous improvement of processes and working conditions.

The transformation and evolution path guided by the BIM methodology leads to a progressive and complete digitalization of the project and the built. This step is absolutely not taken for granted nor can it be based solely on the attitude to change and the openness to innovation of companies but must be supported by the solid foundations of an adequate training plan for the figures involved in the process.

BIM consulting: the Italian regulatory framework

The mandatory nature of BIM, the methods and timing of introduction, have been defined in the Italian regulatory framework by the so-called BIM Decree (Ministerial Decree 560 of 1 December 2017). The Decree governs the relationship between BIM and public procurement and defines in art. 6 the timing of the mandatory introduction of the methodology, which will be adopted for all public works by 2025.

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