26 Aug 22
Current Shortages – August 2022
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The foodbank is currently short of the following items: Tinned fruit Tinned Meat Fish Fruit Juice Tea Coffee Soup Longlife Milk We are currently extremely short of these items and would greatly appreciate donations. Thank you for your ongoing support of the foodbank!
30 Nov 21
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We will be CLOSED on Friday, 24th December for Christmas but instead will be open on Wednesday, 22nd 11am – 2pm.
27 Sep 21
Food Shortages
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The foodbank is currently short of the following items and would be grateful for any donations. Long life milk Tinned meat Tea Toothpaste Soap Donations can be made to us during our opening hours – Fridays 12-3pm. As always many thanks for your support.
10 Aug 21
Food Shortages
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The foodbank is currently short of the following items and would greatly appreciate help with donations! Tinned Fruit Tinned Tomatoes Instant Mash Milk Thank you for all your ongoing support!
15 Jul 21
Food Shortages
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The foodbank is currently short of the following items and would greatly appreciate help with donations! Coffee Jam Tinned Fruit Long Life Milk Tomatoes Soap Thank you for all your ongoing support! 😊
29 Jun 21
Food Shortages
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The foodbank is currently short of the following items and would greatly appreciate help with donations! Fruit Juice Milk Tinned Meat Custard Rice Pudding Tinned Fruit Instant Mash Tinned Potatoes Tinned Fish Noodles Tea Coffee Sanitary Wear Toiletries Thank you for all your ongoing support!
24 Mar 21
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We will be closed on Good Friday, 2nd April 2021 for the Easter break. We will open again on Friday 9th April 2021 12-3pm.
1 Mar 21
Food Shortages
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The foodbank is currently short of the following items and would greatly appreciate help with donations! Tinned Potatoes Tinned Fruit Tinned Meat Tinned Tomatoes Jam Coffee Toilet Roll Soap/Toothpaste Thank you for your ongoing support 🙂
29 Nov 20
Donations Update
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UPDATE ABOUT DONATIONS: Please note that all donations can be dropped off on Fridays 12-3pm or Tuesdays 10am-12pm. Please do not leave any donations outside of the church. Current shortages can be seen below: SUGAR TINNED POTATOES POWDERED MASH (SMASH) TINNED RICE PUDDING CUSTARD COFFEE CEREAL TOILETRIES – SHAMPOO, SHOWER GEL, TOOTHPASTE, […]
26 Nov 20
Ready, steady, census
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The ten-yearly census is almost upon us. Households across Sandwell will soon be asked to take part in the nationwide survey of housing and the population. It has been carried out every decade since 1801, with the exception of 1941. Information from this digital-first census will help decide how services are planned and funded in your […]